

There are so many people struggling with physical and behavioural issues with their horses that can be hugely improved and even resolved by improving the horse's posture. I meet so many people who's horses still aren't thriving after veterinary treatment despite being very dedicated in their rehab. It can be so frustrating when we are trying our best to follow professional advice and do everything right for our horses. The posture is often the missing link.
If our horse is physically unable to do what we're asking without resorting to compensatory movement patterns, we are just going to continue to strengthen the unhelpful posture that may have contributed to their issues in the first place. This is why lots of polework, hillwork and transitions may not be having the desired effect. The horse just isn't in a place to do those things without compensating yet.
Improving posture can look like:
Helping horses to down-regulate their nervous system so they can relax their bodies
Gently helping the horse to release brace and tension in their body initially in halt and walk
Learning how to let go and allow the horse to find their own balance rather than trying to support them with the reins
Sticking with straight lines and shallow curves until the horse is stronger
Learning to recognise when the horse is fatiguing
Referring to appropriate professionals to work collaboratively
I can offer phone consultations or in person sessions. The sessions will start with an initial assessment then move onto some training as appropriate.
If you'd like to learn more please contact me here:​